Faceless The Second Collection NOW AVAILABLE
| | Archives: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Dec 2012 [793] 21: You 20315   21585 [792] 20: Ah, young love ... 8453   7716 [791] 19: So we’re going to court tomorrow 8933   8188 [790] 18: My daughter brought home a boy from school yesterday 8142   6987 [789] 17: Dad, I’m hungry! 24004   27694 [788] 14: Hi there, how are you two tonight? 10960   12985 [787] 13: Good morning, how are you? 8931   8110 [786] 12: You drive like a blind idiot! 20056   21485 [785] 11: What’s wrong now? 10444   8933 [784] 10: What’s going on? 10492   7668 [783] 7: What now? 15407   10031 [782] 6: Happy Birthday buddy 19248   13626 [781] 5: Did you hear about those hijackers 16365   13005 [780] 4: Good morning sir, how can I help you? 12258   8656 [779] 3: My wife wants us to go to a marriage counsellor 9042   7378
| | Nov 2012 [778] 30: This internet survey says 10121   9298 [777] 29: My mates down at the pub 9242   9666 [776] 28: Are you awake? 11564   10428 [775] 27: What’s all this? 8858   8378 [774] 26: When I got home last night 11676   10488 [773] 23: You know, I’m actually glad it’s a work day today 12435   13230 [772] 22: My wife thinks that I sneak out at night to smoke weed 8921   8365 [771] 21: This website says 50% of marriages end because of bad sex 7633   6332 [770] 20: Nurse, why did you stop my visitors coming to see me? 9523   11269 [769] 19: There have been more complaints that Faceless is sexist 10538   9895 [768] 15: What's all the banging for? 13319   12446 [767] 14: Got any plans for the weekend? 11565   13090 [766] 13: How’s it going with your new girlfriend? 11958   13993 [765] 12: You're awfully grumpy 8951   7953 [764] 9: Hi, where’s the baby? 8979   7883 [763] 8: Would you love me more 9744   9572 [762] 7: If you look up "rib" in the dictionary 15078   17471 [761] 6: So how did the audition go? 9610   8815 [760] 5: Could you help me with the Christmas gift list for the children please? 8340   7409 [759] 2: I`m thinking of having a tattoo done 10255   9606 [758] 1: I need to buy my girlfriend a present 7908   7325
| | | Oct 2012 [757] 31: What`s up? 8771   8119 [756] 30: Good morning sir 10197   8889 [755] 29: One of my husband`s dreams 11414   8736 [754] 26: Well, last night was fun ... 17476   11093 [753] 25: Why are you sitting out here 11373   9151 [752] 24: I really hate having to do the grocery shopping 9431   9591 [751] 23: Hi darling, I`m home 10297   8339 [750] 22: I found a note stuck to the front door 9310   8423 [749] 19: You wash your car every week 9617   8410 [748] 18: What are you watching? 10833   9865 [747] 17: See you later 10996   9755 [746] 16: Please sign here for your package 6664   7479 [745] 15: This looks like a good camera 8525   11778 [744] 12: Doctor, you have to help me 39925   42736 [743] 11: So you`re the lawyer 18593   26577 [742] 10: You look miserable 11623   11166 [741] 9: I just can`t handle how ungrateful girls are 9607   8771 [740] 8: What are you reading? 8626   7795 [739] 5: I ve had enough of your bullshit! 9946   9209 [738] 4: Oh no, that whore is here again! 10770   9760 [737] 3: I think my husband is having an affair 7884   6922 [736] 2: My wife gave me a blowjob this morning 10186   11569 [735] 1: Again with the tears! 28238   29440
| | Sep 2012 [734] 28: You look down 9035   8492 [733] 26: I can t wait for the weekend 17010   17000 [732] 25: I m sorry, he s just too weak and too old 10535   11221 [731] 21: What have you got there? 10404   9497 [730] 20: Where have you been? 26189   27233 [729] 19: What do you think of these flowers? 11207   10378 [728] 18: Good morning sir, how can I help you? 8205   7272 [727] 17: You know our neighbour buys his wife flowers 9060   9430 [726] 14: Do you know what 9909   8878 [725] 13: I just don t understand my wife 9441   8767 [724] 12: Hi there, how are you doing? 8848   7899 [723] 11: How much have you had to drink? 10399   11064 [722] 10: Police! Open up! 8276   8843 [721] 7: Can I sleep at your place for a few days? 10176   9603 [720] 6: Is this the time to come strolling in to work? 10504   9515 [719] 4: Imagine if we saw a mermaid while out here 9869   9235 [718] 3: What are you watching? 8984   10582
| | | Aug 2012 [717] 31: You look terrible, what s going on? 9513   9030 [716] 30: Did you hear, there s a new competitor 11732   10992 [715] 29: Want to come back to my place? 7798   8586 [714] 28: Honey, I want to try 8815   7904 [713] 27: And now Mom? 8255   9188 [712] 24: So are you going to invest 9171   8235 [711] 23: Morning neighbour, doing some spring cleaning? 9010   8985 [710] 22: You re not serious, are you? 11227   10281 [709] 21: Well it s about time you two got here 9466   8720 [708] 20: So how was your date last night? 8116   6990 [707] 17: Last night I was struggling to give my wife an orgasm 9298   8031 [706] 16: Hi doctor, I want you to remove my dog s tail 9653   11264 [705] 15: I’m not calling her a slut 14383   13933 [704] 14: So I got you bailed out 10860   11909 [703] 13: Good morning, how are you doing? 10410   9510 [702] 10: I m just going to try this dress on 8801   8212 [701] 8: We need to talk ... 9585   8777 [700] 6: There, all finished 11026   11578 [699] 3: There, all finished 91444   106209 [698] 2: How did the surgery go? 10870   12938 [697] 1: What the hell happened to you? 9553   8594
| | Jul 2012 [696] 31: This is only a minor surgical procedure 10065   9434 [695] 30: Heavenly Hotel front desk, how may I help you? 17618   19650 [694] 27: You won t tell anyone will you? 10875   9992 [693] 26: Baby, is there anything I can do for you? 8881   9551 [692] 25: Doctor, what s wrong with me? 9382   8497 [691] 24: Howdy neighbour 8122   7158 [690] 23: The papers are signed 10506   11718 [689] 20: Hey, how was the weekend? 10444   12076 [688] 19: Was that your wife I just saw 9856   9389 [687] 18: I caught my son masturbating 7849   6502 [686] 17: I have something to confess 8995   7898 [685] 16: How your location can change 9122   8306 [684] 12: I ve got some bad news 9408   9408 [683] 11: Is this the time to get work? 11510   12992 [682] 10: Look what I found outside 10866   10512 [681] 9: Why does everything 11424   10632 [680] 6: Hi there, can I buy you a drink? 7588   7366 [679] 5: You re late again 62693   62219 [678] 4: How s the new girlfriend? 27611   27204 [677] 3: What s the difference 8804   7743 [676] 2: Can I buy you a drink? 10068   9222
| | | Jun 2012 [675] 29: Hey, how are you doing? 9210   8171 [674] 28: You know, I just don t understand women 10338   9882 [673] 27: Oh look, SHE S here again 8931   9611 [672] 26: So how s it going with your new girlfriend? 10765   9841 [671] 25: Hi babe, how was your day? 11775   11010 [670] 22: There, your car is fixed 7699   8443 [669] 21: I just hate this time of the month 9628   8720 [668] 20: I had a huge fight with my wife 9027   9289 [667] 19: That coffee smells great 7899   6753 [666] 18: She s not bad looking 8715   7556 [665] 15: You know, some people are so environmentally unaware 9916   9506 [664] 13: Hi honey, what are you up to? 8539   7645 [663] 12: Damn! That stinks! 9936   9361 [662] 11: You look miserable 19138   19866 [661] 8: Hey babe, can I buy you a drink? 9644   9097 [660] 7: I am sorry to hear your wife passed away 8166   7139 [659] 6: Can I use your laptop for a second? 7845   8095 [658] 5: Mom, can we play Monopoly please? 10192   9649 [657] 4: I havent seen you in a while 8970   7895 [656] 1: Are you leaving already? 11264   10159
| | May 2012 [655] 31: I heard you had another fight with your girlfriend 8143   6702 [654] 30: Why do you look so sad? 9962   8837 [653] 29: Do you use twitter 9440   8264 [652] 28: How come men always look 8197   7223 [651] 25: Good day, how may I help you? 9892   8911 [650] 24: Thanks for coming to visit me in hospital 7996   8585 [649] 23: Holy cow, how did you get the black eye? 11935   11352 [648] 22: Good morning, how was your evening? 8239   8248 [647] 21: Happy Birthday Darling 8585   7382 [646] 18: Look out, here he comes again 10899   9927 [645] 17: Im going to my boyfriends housewarming 9483   9179 [644] 16: A woman unexpectedly walks up to a strange man 10845   9953 [643] 15: Lets split the bill 10795   10583 [642] 11: Ok, I am off, see you tomorrow 13753   13221 [641] 10: My wife hasnt spoken to me 10628   10342 [640] 9: Hi, I dont recognise your accents 8844   9289 [639] 8: Darling, did you change the password? 8842   10236 [638] 7: So how is the new girlfriend? 7443   6391 [637] 4: My wife thinks we should spice up our sex life 9891   9992 [636] 3: When I die 11170   11017 [635] 2: Wow, she is hot 8907   7701
| | | Apr 2012 [634] 26: My wife called me sexist 7389   6131 [633] 25: You are looking good 9026   7852 [632] 24: Oh my goodness! 10093   9252 [631] 23: Did you know that the shortest sentence 8604   7307 [630] 20: Men are like Bluetooth 9363   8736 [629] 19: Dear God, I miss Granddad so much 9041   8051 [628] 18: I think my kids now hate me as much as my wife does 8687   7616 [627] 17: I wish you women would stop bragging 7793   6637 [626] 16: Then God created woman ... 10926   10339 [625] 13: Hi, I am back from the doctor 50430   48798 [624] 12: Alternate ending for Faceless 617 9665   9180 [623] 11: What is the difference 11125   10466 [622] 10: I heard about the birth of your son 9771   8712 [621] 4: I just cant seem to stay out of trouble 10186   9812 [620] 3: Hey big boy 8857   7922 [619] 2: Hi darling, I am back 7442   6201
| | Mar 2012 [618] 30: What are you watching? 8029   7423 [617] 29: So, youre my girlfriends ex-husband 8753   7755 [616] 28: This cooking show on TV 11870   11572 [615] 27: You women always say that giving birth is more painful 10375   9725 [614] 26: Well, everything looks fine 9700   8939 [613] 23: Right class, this is your first Sex-Ed class 9300   8520 [612] 22: Hi beautiful, can I buy you a drink? 9741   8838 [611] 20: I have to go to my in-laws for dinner this week 7773   7326 [610] 19: I am back from doing the grocery shopping 8857   8801 [609] 16: I wish I had a penis 7870   7657 [608] 15: What is the most awkward thing you’ve ever had to do? 9191   8677 [607] 14: I got into trouble again last night ... 9194   8124 [606] 13: Good morning, how can I help you? 7902   9591 [605] 12: When I was at school 10694   9749 [604] 7: So, tell me about your childhood 8994   8259 [603] 6: My girlfriend recently found out she was adopted 10547   9146 [602] 5: I bought some Olympic condoms 9309   8481 [601] 2: We need to talk ... 7932   6892 [600] 1: Can you believe it? 8949   7850
| | | Feb 2012 [599] 29: My girlfriend reckons that a small penis 8240   7252 [598] 28: Hi beautiful, can I buy you a drink? 9201   8238 [597] 27: I want a divorce 11114   12732 [596] 24: I have had enough of these vegetarians 10022   8866 [595] 23: You know some women 8308   8077 [594] 22: So youre quite good at scoring with the ladies 10700   13541 [593] 21: My wife asked me to play a word game 10086   11405 [592] 20: So it is girls night 7827   8473 [591] 17: Ow, that’s a heck of a black eye 8784   7993 [590] 16: My girlfriend is getting on my nerves 9983   10665 [589] 15: My fantasy is having two men 9240   8192 [588] 14: Hey, what is up? 10511   9503 [587] 13: Son, I am going to give you some advice 10571   9995 [586] 10: Honey, I want to tell you something ... 7935   7126 [585] 9: Ee-x-x-cuse me s-s-sir 9230   8174 [584] 8: You know I like blow jobs 12035   12136 [583] 7: We're off to the strip joint next door 8506   7422 [582] 6: This is a stick-up! 9635   9275 [581] 3: That women just asked me if I am gay 8354   7233 [580] 2: Welcome to Very Good Video Hire 11510   15016 [579] 1: I think we should stop eating meat 10034   8909
| | Jan 2012 [578] 31: Hey, how was your blind date last night? 9833   9849 [577] 30: What are you pondering? 8202   8808 [576] 27: What a babe 10280   9196 [575] 26: Do you know what is the difference 7869   6856 [574] 25: I really need to dump my girlfriend 8925   8067 [573] 24: I heard you are back with your old girlfriend again 8507   8988 [572] 23: That was a hot bird you went home with last night 12219   12084 [571] 20: What is the difference 17378   29109 [570] 19: I am sick and tired of men always getting the blame 29026   38674 [569] 18: Bless me Father, for I have sinned 9457   8579 [568] 17: That man tells me that youve just been robbed 8598   7297 [567] 16: You do not tell me any more 8664   7848 [566] 13: DIE, YOU EVIL PIG! 9324   8295 [565] 12: Why are you married women fatter than single women? 9462   11115 [564] 11: Ambulances and women have a lot in common 9291   8478 [563] 10: You look terrible 9704   10237 [562] 9: You have been on the treadmill for ages 7779   7143
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