
The Second Collection

2024 2023 2022 2021
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009

Dec 2022
[2068] 22: Hey! Listen up!
13426 Current Rating: 13426 + 13819 = 27245 votesCurrent Rating: 13426 + 13819 = 27245 votes 13819

[2067] 20: We leave for the coast tomorrow
2058 Current Rating: 2058 + 2215 = 4273 votesCurrent Rating: 2058 + 2215 = 4273 votes 2215

[2066] 16: I hate coming in to the office these days
2602 Current Rating: 2602 + 2907 = 5509 votesCurrent Rating: 2602 + 2907 = 5509 votes 2907

[2065] 13: Well I m off
2927 Current Rating: 2927 + 3210 = 6137 votesCurrent Rating: 2927 + 3210 = 6137 votes 3210

[2064] 9: Where are you going now?
3713 Current Rating: 3713 + 3912 = 7625 votesCurrent Rating: 3713 + 3912 = 7625 votes 3912

[2063] 6: Bye honey, have a good day
2696 Current Rating: 2696 + 2929 = 5625 votesCurrent Rating: 2696 + 2929 = 5625 votes 2929

Nov 2022
[2062] 29: Daddy, can I sleep with you tonight?
3868 Current Rating: 3868 + 4256 = 8124 votesCurrent Rating: 3868 + 4256 = 8124 votes 4256

[2061] 25: I heard you bought an electric vehicle
3353 Current Rating: 3353 + 3631 = 6984 votesCurrent Rating: 3353 + 3631 = 6984 votes 3631

[2060] 22: Let s do some revision for your spelling test
4224 Current Rating: 4224 + 4667 = 8891 votesCurrent Rating: 4224 + 4667 = 8891 votes 4667

[2059] 18: So let me get this straight
3360 Current Rating: 3360 + 3528 = 6888 votesCurrent Rating: 3360 + 3528 = 6888 votes 3528

[2058] 15: Thank you for seeing me on short notice doc
6419 Current Rating: 6419 + 6822 = 13241 votesCurrent Rating: 6419 + 6822 = 13241 votes 6822

[2057] 11: Forgive me for being so nervous
2568 Current Rating: 2568 + 2929 = 5497 votesCurrent Rating: 2568 + 2929 = 5497 votes 2929

[2056] 8: Do you feel like popping in at the pub for a drink?
2649 Current Rating: 2649 + 2863 = 5512 votesCurrent Rating: 2649 + 2863 = 5512 votes 2863

[2055] 4: Everything looks good
38130 Current Rating: 38130 + 38899 = 77029 votesCurrent Rating: 38130 + 38899 = 77029 votes 38899

[2054] 1: Happy anniversary darling
67415 Current Rating: 67415 + 68439 = 135854 votesCurrent Rating: 67415 + 68439 = 135854 votes 68439

Oct 2022
[2053] 28: You re back early ...
3381 Current Rating: 3381 + 3909 = 7290 votesCurrent Rating: 3381 + 3909 = 7290 votes 3909

[2052] 26: I ll have a double cheese burger
10463 Current Rating: 10463 + 11127 = 21590 votesCurrent Rating: 10463 + 11127 = 21590 votes 11127

[2051] 21: What s on Discovery today?
5995 Current Rating: 5995 + 6525 = 12520 votesCurrent Rating: 5995 + 6525 = 12520 votes 6525

[2050] 18: Your phone beeped
5582 Current Rating: 5582 + 6460 = 12042 votesCurrent Rating: 5582 + 6460 = 12042 votes 6460

[2049] 7: This stupid computer has frozen again!
5389 Current Rating: 5389 + 6363 = 11752 votesCurrent Rating: 5389 + 6363 = 11752 votes 6363

[2048] 4: So have these power-cuts affected your business too?
2463 Current Rating: 2463 + 2679 = 5142 votesCurrent Rating: 2463 + 2679 = 5142 votes 2679

Sep 2022
[2047] 27: Welcome back, how was the flight?
4912 Current Rating: 4912 + 5219 = 10131 votesCurrent Rating: 4912 + 5219 = 10131 votes 5219

[2046] 23: It's been a while
3426 Current Rating: 3426 + 3681 = 7107 votesCurrent Rating: 3426 + 3681 = 7107 votes 3681

[2045] 20: I announced the date and time of my wife s funeral
4669 Current Rating: 4669 + 5248 = 9917 votesCurrent Rating: 4669 + 5248 = 9917 votes 5248

[2044] 16: Sorry I m late
9280 Current Rating: 9280 + 11377 = 20657 votesCurrent Rating: 9280 + 11377 = 20657 votes 11377

[2043] 13: You have multiple fractures
3255 Current Rating: 3255 + 3524 = 6779 votesCurrent Rating: 3255 + 3524 = 6779 votes 3524

[2042] 9: So woke-ness has reached religion too
3022 Current Rating: 3022 + 3244 = 6266 votesCurrent Rating: 3022 + 3244 = 6266 votes 3244

[2041] 6: Sure you can take me on a date
4816 Current Rating: 4816 + 6451 = 11267 votesCurrent Rating: 4816 + 6451 = 11267 votes 6451

[2040] 2: I ll have another beer please
3447 Current Rating: 3447 + 3663 = 7110 votesCurrent Rating: 3447 + 3663 = 7110 votes 3663

Aug 2022
[2038] 30: Do you want to hear a disturbing statistic?
17318 Current Rating: 17318 + 18058 = 35376 votesCurrent Rating: 17318 + 18058 = 35376 votes 18058

[2037] 26: Doc, is masturbation wrong?
3519 Current Rating: 3519 + 3751 = 7270 votesCurrent Rating: 3519 + 3751 = 7270 votes 3751

[2036] 23: I m getting old for sure
3377 Current Rating: 3377 + 3601 = 6978 votesCurrent Rating: 3377 + 3601 = 6978 votes 3601

[2035] 16: So Warner Brothers has now also caved to the woke mob
4333 Current Rating: 4333 + 5065 = 9398 votesCurrent Rating: 4333 + 5065 = 9398 votes 5065

[2034] 12: I don t understand this whole woke
3699 Current Rating: 3699 + 4348 = 8047 votesCurrent Rating: 3699 + 4348 = 8047 votes 4348

[2033] 9: I couldn t get it up for a girl
2303 Current Rating: 2303 + 2356 = 4659 votesCurrent Rating: 2303 + 2356 = 4659 votes 2356

[2032] 5: Isn t that your ex-wife crossing the road
4858 Current Rating: 4858 + 5146 = 10004 votesCurrent Rating: 4858 + 5146 = 10004 votes 5146

[2031] 2: Anything interesting in the news tonight?
3148 Current Rating: 3148 + 3870 = 7018 votesCurrent Rating: 3148 + 3870 = 7018 votes 3870

Jul 2022
[2030] 26: Water again?
5677 Current Rating: 5677 + 6603 = 12280 votesCurrent Rating: 5677 + 6603 = 12280 votes 6603

[2029] 22: Give me all the money and jewellery in the house!
5913 Current Rating: 5913 + 6263 = 12176 votesCurrent Rating: 5913 + 6263 = 12176 votes 6263

[2028] 19: Your crop is looking pretty good this season
2416 Current Rating: 2416 + 2557 = 4973 votesCurrent Rating: 2416 + 2557 = 4973 votes 2557

[2027] 15: I can t believe how much it costs to fill up now
2186 Current Rating: 2186 + 2371 = 4557 votesCurrent Rating: 2186 + 2371 = 4557 votes 2371

[2026] 12: Your brother is uninvited to the wedding
2349 Current Rating: 2349 + 2353 = 4702 votesCurrent Rating: 2349 + 2353 = 4702 votes 2353

[2025] 8: Thank you for inviting us over for dinner
2154 Current Rating: 2154 + 2317 = 4471 votesCurrent Rating: 2154 + 2317 = 4471 votes 2317

[2024] 5: Wakey wakey!
2469 Current Rating: 2469 + 2397 = 4866 votesCurrent Rating: 2469 + 2397 = 4866 votes 2397

[2023] 1: I saw an article saying that they re considering
2859 Current Rating: 2859 + 3055 = 5914 votesCurrent Rating: 2859 + 3055 = 5914 votes 3055

Jun 2022
[2022] 28: My wife told me to find my own way home
5647 Current Rating: 5647 + 6739 = 12386 votesCurrent Rating: 5647 + 6739 = 12386 votes 6739

[2021] 24: Your annual checkup is looking pretty good
4519 Current Rating: 4519 + 4160 = 8679 votesCurrent Rating: 4519 + 4160 = 8679 votes 4160

[2020] 21: I love these classic car shows
79019 Current Rating: 79019 + 96940 = 175959 votesCurrent Rating: 79019 + 96940 = 175959 votes 96940

[2019] 17: You re watching Animal Planet again
14267 Current Rating: 14267 + 17806 = 32073 votesCurrent Rating: 14267 + 17806 = 32073 votes 17806

[2018] 14: My wife and I decided to spice things up a bit
4900 Current Rating: 4900 + 5634 = 10534 votesCurrent Rating: 4900 + 5634 = 10534 votes 5634

[2017] 10: I met a girl at the pub
9176 Current Rating: 9176 + 8795 = 17971 votesCurrent Rating: 9176 + 8795 = 17971 votes 8795

[2016] 7: It s our twentieth anniversary tomorrow
13361 Current Rating: 13361 + 14585 = 27946 votesCurrent Rating: 13361 + 14585 = 27946 votes 14585

[2015] 3: Give me my usual but make it a double please
3590 Current Rating: 3590 + 3812 = 7402 votesCurrent Rating: 3590 + 3812 = 7402 votes 3812

May 2022
[2014] 31: Since working from home during COVID
2477 Current Rating: 2477 + 2673 = 5150 votesCurrent Rating: 2477 + 2673 = 5150 votes 2673

[2013] 27: I need your advice
4541 Current Rating: 4541 + 4729 = 9270 votesCurrent Rating: 4541 + 4729 = 9270 votes 4729

[2012] 24: You look ponderous
3764 Current Rating: 3764 + 3328 = 7092 votesCurrent Rating: 3764 + 3328 = 7092 votes 3328

[2011] 20: You never seem to have a shortage of men
9707 Current Rating: 9707 + 10765 = 20472 votesCurrent Rating: 9707 + 10765 = 20472 votes 10765

[2010] 17: Can I have a cappuccino please?
2798 Current Rating: 2798 + 2835 = 5633 votesCurrent Rating: 2798 + 2835 = 5633 votes 2835

[2009] 13: I really don t understand women
19592 Current Rating: 19592 + 20138 = 39730 votesCurrent Rating: 19592 + 20138 = 39730 votes 20138

[2008] 10: As this is our first session
5495 Current Rating: 5495 + 5477 = 10972 votesCurrent Rating: 5495 + 5477 = 10972 votes 5477

[2007] 6: The company email about preferred pronouns
42631 Current Rating: 42631 + 39616 = 82247 votesCurrent Rating: 42631 + 39616 = 82247 votes 39616

[2006] 3: I m surprised you're here
5586 Current Rating: 5586 + 21975 = 27561 votesCurrent Rating: 5586 + 21975 = 27561 votes 21975

Apr 2022
[2005] 29: When two vegans get in an argument
8663 Current Rating: 8663 + 10502 = 19165 votesCurrent Rating: 8663 + 10502 = 19165 votes 10502

[2004] 26: It s disgusting the way you make fun of everyone
3568 Current Rating: 3568 + 4654 = 8222 votesCurrent Rating: 3568 + 4654 = 8222 votes 4654

[2003] 24: I heard how good VR porn is supposed to be ...
7637 Current Rating: 7637 + 7795 = 15432 votesCurrent Rating: 7637 + 7795 = 15432 votes 7795

[2002] 19: When you get angry speaking to someone
45910 Current Rating: 45910 + 44740 = 90650 votesCurrent Rating: 45910 + 44740 = 90650 votes 44740

[2001] 12: You look depressed, what s upsetting you?
91197 Current Rating: 91197 + 81585 = 172782 votesCurrent Rating: 91197 + 81585 = 172782 votes 81585

[2000] 8: It seems that Spring is here already
3637 Current Rating: 3637 + 3893 = 7530 votesCurrent Rating: 3637 + 3893 = 7530 votes 3893

[1999] 5: The price of petrol is insane these days
3089 Current Rating: 3089 + 3408 = 6497 votesCurrent Rating: 3089 + 3408 = 6497 votes 3408

[1998] 1: It s wonderful to be able to do lunch again
5858 Current Rating: 5858 + 5798 = 11656 votesCurrent Rating: 5858 + 5798 = 11656 votes 5798

Mar 2022
[1997] 29: Is he gone?
5307 Current Rating: 5307 + 5339 = 10646 votesCurrent Rating: 5307 + 5339 = 10646 votes 5339

[1996] 25: Tomorrow is your big day
3516 Current Rating: 3516 + 4549 = 8065 votesCurrent Rating: 3516 + 4549 = 8065 votes 4549

[1995] 22: Where have you been?
6211 Current Rating: 6211 + 7745 = 13956 votesCurrent Rating: 6211 + 7745 = 13956 votes 7745

[1994] 18: Apparently the obesity problem
3375 Current Rating: 3375 + 3521 = 6896 votesCurrent Rating: 3375 + 3521 = 6896 votes 3521

[1993] 15: Chess rules are so confusing
5578 Current Rating: 5578 + 5734 = 11312 votesCurrent Rating: 5578 + 5734 = 11312 votes 5734

[1992] 11: I really enjoy having sex
15716 Current Rating: 15716 + 11503 = 27219 votesCurrent Rating: 15716 + 11503 = 27219 votes 11503

[1991] 8: I ve decided to go ahead with the divorce
8090 Current Rating: 8090 + 3458 = 11548 votesCurrent Rating: 8090 + 3458 = 11548 votes 3458

[1990] 4: I saw you having an argument
3310 Current Rating: 3310 + 3498 = 6808 votesCurrent Rating: 3310 + 3498 = 6808 votes 3498

[1989] 1: This is Couples Therapy
3018 Current Rating: 3018 + 3164 = 6182 votesCurrent Rating: 3018 + 3164 = 6182 votes 3164

Feb 2022
[1988] 25: Good morning sir, can I see your passport
3912 Current Rating: 3912 + 4031 = 7943 votesCurrent Rating: 3912 + 4031 = 7943 votes 4031

[1987] 22: My wife and I can t agree on our holiday plans
3419 Current Rating: 3419 + 3489 = 6908 votesCurrent Rating: 3419 + 3489 = 6908 votes 3489

[1986] 18: Thank goodness this whole Valentine s day
5227 Current Rating: 5227 + 5927 = 11154 votesCurrent Rating: 5227 + 5927 = 11154 votes 5927

[1985] 15: So did you have a good Valentine s?
3457 Current Rating: 3457 + 3410 = 6867 votesCurrent Rating: 3457 + 3410 = 6867 votes 3410

[1984] 11: I ve had enough
5649 Current Rating: 5649 + 5294 = 10943 votesCurrent Rating: 5649 + 5294 = 10943 votes 5294

[1983] 8: Good morning ma am
3236 Current Rating: 3236 + 3264 = 6500 votesCurrent Rating: 3236 + 3264 = 6500 votes 3264

[1982] 4: Happy Anniversary
14171 Current Rating: 14171 + 15217 = 29388 votesCurrent Rating: 14171 + 15217 = 29388 votes 15217

[1981] 1: Hey buddy, my eyes are up here!
3704 Current Rating: 3704 + 4346 = 8050 votesCurrent Rating: 3704 + 4346 = 8050 votes 4346

Jan 2022
[1980] 28: Welcome back, so how was your trip to Dubai?
5557 Current Rating: 5557 + 6242 = 11799 votesCurrent Rating: 5557 + 6242 = 11799 votes 6242

[1979] 25: With the economy in the toilet and no signs of improving
8841 Current Rating: 8841 + 10491 = 19332 votesCurrent Rating: 8841 + 10491 = 19332 votes 10491

[1978] 21: I m so glad they finally lifted the curfew
7482 Current Rating: 7482 + 7949 = 15431 votesCurrent Rating: 7482 + 7949 = 15431 votes 7949

[1977] 18: Take a few photos of me
3949 Current Rating: 3949 + 4018 = 7967 votesCurrent Rating: 3949 + 4018 = 7967 votes 4018

[1976] 14: Did you do anything special
7605 Current Rating: 7605 + 8092 = 15697 votesCurrent Rating: 7605 + 8092 = 15697 votes 8092

[1975] 11: I m glad to be back at work
4977 Current Rating: 4977 + 4974 = 9951 votesCurrent Rating: 4977 + 4974 = 9951 votes 4974

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