| Archives: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Dec 2023 [2161] 19: Are you playing Mariah Carey 24501   24489 [2160] 16: There are now over 8 billion people on earth 11185   12387 [2159] 12: I think we need to change things up a bit 6475   6831 [2158] 8: New car? It looks fantastic 10782   10685 [2157] 5: You look furious, what s happened? 3146   3520 [2156] 1: Today s reading is from the Book of Genesis 27365   28103
| | Nov 2023 [2155] 28: Didn t you say you were going for a check-up 8164   8961 [2154] 24: The options for lunch in these vending machines 16774   16867 [2153] 21: Men Going Their Own Way is an anti-feminist 47044   47732 [2152] 14: How are you doing today? 6184   6344 [2151] 10: Congratulations on becoming the WWBC World Champion 9544   10288 [2150] 7: I m thinking of breaking it off 4382   5045 [2149] 4: I had hoped, but never believed 27327   27467
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| Oct 2023 [2148] 31: I just stabbed a vampire outside 7874   7240 [2146] 27: Where are you taking my husband? 2323   2216 [2145] 24: Today s training is to avoid ever facing 3536   4383 [2144] 20: Let me buy you a drink 68449   70633 [2143] 17: We live in a time when the world 11468   11207 [2142] 13: So how did it go at the dog rescue 5543   5875 [2141] 10: I m thinking about signing up for Netflix 19841   19744 [2140] 6: I ve just been diagnosed 8979   9364 [2139] 3: Look son, it s your last year of school 9906   10264
| | Sep 2023 [2138] 29: Welcome to Flexy McFlexface s Fitness Gym 12072   11467 [2137] 19: YOU CHEATING 7577   7323 [2136] 13: Hiya, how was your day? 6588   6887 [2135] 8: Hi, can I buy you a drink? 9129   8513 [2134] 5: Good afternoon, how can I help you? 6063   5772 [2133] 1: Just when you think we ve done everything 24605   25194
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| Aug 2023 [2132] 29: I m so glad Spring is just around the corner 16599   16382 [2131] 25: I never know what to say at funerals 35994   36637 [2130] 22: Good morning, and how was your weekend? 11571   11581 [2129] 18: I see they re assembling a team to search 14399   14497 [2128] 15: Good morning, how was your weekend? 1170   1272 [2127] 11: I don t seem to be able to meet a woman 3722   4298 [2126] 8: Welcome to your first Pre-Cana class 1614   1732 [2125] 4: It s impressive to see your husband 1155   1327 [2124] 2: I don t know how you can stand to watch 6155   7364
| | Jul 2023 [2123] 25: My grandfather passed away last night suddenly 3535   3917 [2122] 21: I m so glad it s the weekend 4497   4636 [2121] 18: Did you see this in the news? 1846   3960 [2120] 14: Let s go for a drink 4095   4239 [2119] 11: I need to get my life together 1558   1739 [2118] 8: Miss, is it true 1437   1660 [2117] 4: Good morning sweetie 1839   4539
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| Jun 2023 [2116] 30: I m putting a message on the H.O.A. WhatsApp 1780   1901 [2115] 27: So what do you want to get out of these sessions? 8244   9242 [2114] 23: I want to update my will please 81563   76276 [2113] 20: According to the charge sheet 39322   36651 [2112] 13: Thank you for seeing me on short notice doctor 16979   20349 [2111] 9: I have a riddle for you 4851   5634 [2110] 6: National Geographic again? 2087   2257 [2109] 2: How was your Tinder date last night? 1827   2034
| | May 2023 [2108] 30: Are you feeling any better? 1453   1600 [2107] 26: You wanted to have a talk 1654   1808 [2106] 23: If you take me to dinner 1772   2047 [2105] 19: Good morning, can I help you? 60679   55411 [2104] 12: So what do you do for a living? 32406   28964 [2103] 9: I asked ChatGPT to write a profile for me for Tinder 1379   1483 [2102] 5: I need you to represent me 2910   3319 [2101] 2: I ve got your results back 2004   2213
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| Apr 2023 [2100] 25: I hear you re quite au fait 3866   4198 [2099] 18: Dammit, it s started raining 3410   3729 [2098] 14: So I hear you broke up with your boyfriend 2623   2948 [2096] 11: You ve been divorced for a few years now 1214   1158 [2097] 11: You ve been divorced for a few years now 3870   4259 [2095] 7: Welcome to the team 2805   3025 [2094] 4: How have you been since our last session? 2275   2450 [2093] 1: Hi honey, how was work? 6857   7662
| | Mar 2023 [2092] 28: I ve decided 3030   3327 [2091] 24: We need to clean this place up 2571   3084 [2090] 21: Good afternoon Miss 2764   2582 [2089] 17: I d like to make a toast 2726   2975 [2088] 14: It says on this research site that there are over twenty genders 2398   2674 [2087] 10: I wanted to ask you out 4281   4554 [2086] 8: You seem happier since our last session 3149   3536 [2085] 3: Got any plans for the weekend? 3266   3655
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| Feb 2023 [2084] 28: Do you mind if I stay for the night after the game? 3798   4893 [2083] 24: Men just can t win any more ... 3016   3458 [2082] 21: Are you in trouble again? 1938   2395 [2081] 17: What s your body count now? 2776   3050 [2080] 14: Can you stop at the mall 4831   4625 [2079] 10: Would you like to go out with me for dinner sometime? 3873   4400 [2078] 7: Tell me why you think this couples therapy isn t working? 2537   2720 [2077] 4: Don t do anything, let me phone the Poison Control Centre 16152   18133
| | Jan 2023 [2076] 31: My dating advice 8552   8934 [2074] 27: I didn t know you know sign language 6975   7174 [2073] 24: I don t think we should see each other any more 5717   6887 [2072] 20: I think it s time to get a new girlfriend 3017   3451 [2071] 17: So, how was it for you? 18300   19629 [2070] 14: Welcome back, how were the holidays? 3315   3457 [2069] 10: Well we re back at work 33884   34887
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